Spring is almost here, and you can feel the excitement in the air. As beautiful as Wisconsin winters are, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of the first few warms days of the year. Grass peeks out from underneath the snow, the sun starts to hang just a bit higher in the sky, and those who escaped to warmer weather for the winter start heading home. However, as the temperatures rise and the snow melts away it can leave homeowners at risk for unexpected spring water damage if they’re not prepared.
Stay stress-free when the seasons change.
If you enjoy travelling south to warmer weather for the winter the last thing you want to experience when you get home is a flooded basement or other water damage. Melting snow can overload sump pumps so they can’t keep up or seep in through basement windows or cracks in foundation, leaving a watery, unwelcome surprise upon your return home. This makes having the proper precautions in place a must for peace of mind.
Even those who brave the chill of winter can never know for sure how early or how quickly snow will melt when the spring thaw hits, leaving your home at risk. Having the ability to know immediately when a leak or unexpected water source is detected allows you to proactively respond to water-related emergencies in your home and goes a long way in saving you from the expensive headache of water damage.
That’s where DROP Smart Home Leak Protection System comes in.
This innovative smart system provides homeowners with accurate information about their home water system at the tips of their fingers at a moment’s notice—no matter where they are. This helps prevent costly water damage claims that can derail finances and leave homeowners struggling to recover.
The DROP System consists of interconnected parts that work together to deliver a complete picture of your home water system.
HUB – the “brain” of the system that connects other elements of the DROP system and provides notifications to your smart device through the DROP app
- Communicates with all parts of your home water system and DROP devices, including pumps, flow meters, leak detectors, automatic shut-off valves and more
- Sends text, email and push notifications using standard home Wi-Fi
- Battery back-up ensures you still get the information you need even during power outages

LEAK DETECTORS – smart safeguards against water damage that alert you to even the smallest leaks
- Place near sump pumps, under sinks, next to toilets, along basement walls and any place in your home a leak or water damage may occur
- Name leak detectors based on location so you can easily identify where a problem occurs and act accordingly
- Designed to immediately sense moisture and send an immediate alert to shut off the water supply if needed
- Monitors temperature, which helps prevent cold weather related water damage
- Helps track water usage, which can reduce water waste and lower water bills

HOME PROTECTION VALVE – connects directly to the waterline to provide accurate analysis of your water system
- Built-in flow meter and pressure sensor detect a range of problems, including continuous flow from a leaky or left-on faucet
- Can automatically shut-off water if a leak is detected
- Provides data to aid in water conservation and lower water bills
- Provides backflow prevention
- Sends vital water system notifications through the DROP app

With just three simple components DROP has your home covered.
If you’ve ever experienced water damage during the spring thaw or know someone who has, you know how frustrating it is. Don’t let another spring come and go with your home at risk—there’s never a good time for a flooded basement or mold growth from excess moisture.
Installing a DROP Smart Water System can protect your home and your wallet by putting you in the know and giving you a chance to proactively address water concerns before they cause damage. It’s the smart choice to save you time and money down the road.
We want you to enjoy spring and all it has to offer—not worry about whether or not your home can handle the melting snow.
Visit us here or call (920) 757-5440 to protect your home with DROP today.